10 UNIT-1 A Letter to God EXAM Material with Answers


A Letter to God

The following is the Exam Material on 10th Unit-1 A Letter to God.

(ACCORDING TO 10th Blueprint of SCERT 2024-25)

The Material is useful for Formative, Summative and 10th Public Examinations

It contains the following 

1. Section-A  
    Reading Comprehension (textual)

2. Section-B
    Grammar exercises from Q.no18-26
    Vocabulary exercises from Q.no27-34

3. Section-C
    Writing a Diary Entry  Q.no.35(b)
    Describing a Tree Diagram Q.no.37(b)
SECTION-B Vocabulary Answers

Answers to the above Exam Material 



R.C. Exercise-1 Answers

1.   Lencho had predicted big drops of rain

2.  Lencho went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body.

3.   B

4.   A

5.   C

R.C. Exercise-2 Answers


1. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall.

2.   Corn

3.   C

4.   A

5.   A



R.C. Exercise-3 Answers

1.   because Lencho’s cornfield was destroyed by the hailstorm

2.   farmer / peasant

3.   B

4.   A

5.   B  


R.C. Exercise-4 Answers

1.   Lencho thought God would help him.

2.   Lencho wrote a letter to God

3.   C

4.   A

5.   A



R.C. Exercise-5 Answers

1.   Lencho and his family would go hungry that year.

2.   Lencho needed one hundred pesos.

3.   C

4.   C

5.   B


R.C. Exercise-6 Answers

1.   The writer’s faith was that God would definitely help him.

2.   he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave part of his salary, and several friends of his were obliged to give something

3.   A

4.   B

5.   A


R.C. Exercise-7 Answers

1.   Because the amount of money that he received was not up to his expectation

2.   he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave part of his salary, and several friends of his were obliged to give something

3.   A

4.   B

5.   A


Answers of Comprehension Questions on Poem ‘Dust of Snow’


1.   Shakes down the dust of snow
2.   Hemlock tree
3.   It changes his mood positively
4.   A day he had rued (regretted)
5.   Unexpected change
6.   B (sorrowful)
7.   B (snow)
8.   B (pleased)
9.   A (some part of the day he had rued)

10.   B (hopefulness)


Answers of Comprehension Questions on Poem ‘Fire and Ice’

1.   Fire

2.   Ice

3.   Desire

4.   Hatred

5.   Fire and Ice

6.   C (Robert Frost)

7.   B (desire and hate)

8.   B (felt a strong craving or passion)

9.   B (twice)

10.   A (metaphor)

Answers of Comprehension Questions on Supplementary Reader-

Foot Prints Without Feet

A Triumph of Surgery (Lesson-1)


R.C. Exercise-1 Answers


1.   A) Very hot

2.   B) He had no energy

3.   C) malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks

4.   B) read and watery

5.   B) shocked


R.C. Exercise-2 Answers

1.   B) Take him out of the house

2.   B) to a hospital

3.   B) She almost fainted

4.   C) He would pine and die

5.   B) by carrying him in a blanket

R.C. Exercise-3 Answers

1.   B) They welcomed and inspected him.

2.   A) Joe, the greyhound

3.   B) rolling slightly due to his fat

4.   C) The dogs rushed to eat.

5.   A) They were afraid of losing the food.



Grammar Answers



Q.no.18 Answers

Combine the following sentences using a Relative Pronoun

1.   Our gardener who knows a lot about plants loves to talk about them.

2.   Meena, who is a very clever girl, is always first in class.

3.   Lencho, whose corn was totally destroyed, was filled with sadness.

4.   Very large hailstones, which resemble new silver coins, began to fall.

5.   The postmaster, who gave part of his salary, asked for money from his employees.

6.   One of the employees who was a postman went to his boss laughing heartily.

7.   Throughout the morning Lencho, who knew his fields intimately, had done nothing.

8.   The woman, who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing.”

9.   Lencho prayed to God whose eyes could see into our minds.

10. The house, which was the only one in the entire valley, sat on the crest of a low hill.


Q.no.19 Answers

Change the following into Passive Voice

a.   The cornfield was totally destroyed by the hailstorm.

b.   Big drops of rain had been predicted by Lencho.

c.    Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness.

d.   It is needed by me.

e.    You are requested to send me the rest of the money.



Q.no.20 Answers

Change the following into Reported Speech

1.     Lencho told his family members that they would all go hungry that year.

2.     Lencho’s wife told them to come for dinner. (or) Lencho’s wife ordered them to come for dinner.

3.     Lencho said that they weren’t raindrops falling from the sky.

4.     Lencho expressed that post office employees were a bunch of crooks.

5.   He exclaimed and said that it was really getting bad then.


Q.no.21 Answers

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in the brackets.

a) by
b) to
c) from
d) up
e) for
f) along with
g) due to

Editing the following Passage

Q.no.22 Exercise-1 Answers

a.   destroyed

b.   Lencho’s

c.    sadness

d.   of

Q.no.22 Exercise-2 Answers


a.   help

b.   my

c.    pesos

d.   sow



Q.no.23 Answers

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles

a.   an

b.   the

c.    an

d.   the/a



Q.no.24 Answers

Change the following into Repeated action in the past using ‘Would/Used to’


a.   Every evening, she would listen to her favourite radio show.
Every evening, she used to listen to her favourite radio show.


b.   When we lived by the beach, we would go for a swim every morning.
When we lived by the beach, we used to go for a swim every morning.


c.    During winter, the river would freeze over completely.
During winter, the river used to freeze over completely.


d.   He would always walk to school with his friends.
He used to always walk to school with his friends.


e.    On Sundays, our family would gather for a big lunch.
On Sundays, our family used to gather for a big lunch.


Q.no.25 Answers

Rewrite the sentences into a single sentence using Noun-modifiers.

a.   John read an exciting book.

b.   She wore a coat with a cozy lining.

c.    They built a large house with a beautiful garden.

d.   Tom bought a powerful laptop.

e.    Mary found a stylish bag with multiple compartments.


Q.no.26 Answers

Give suitable advice for the situation given below.

a.   You should read English storybooks.

b.   You should wake up at 5 a.m.




Q.no.27 Exercise-1 Answers

Finding synonyms

a) pleased
b) blossoms
c) unexpectedly
d) look like


Q.no.27 Exercise-2 Answers

Finding synonyms

a) next
b) dawn
c) transport
d) null

Q.No.28 Exercise-1 Answers

Writing Antonyms

a)   Earlier X later
b)   Usual  X  unusual
c)    Contentment X dissatisfaction
d)   Good X evil



Q.No.28 Exercise-2 Answers

Writing Antonyms

a)   immediately X later
b)   public  X  private
c)    started X finished
d)   effort X laziness




Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given in the brackets

 Q.No.29 Exercise-1 Answers

a) slightest          

b) confidence               

c) became  

d) what

Q.No.29 Exercise-2 Answers

a) totally             

b) were               

c) filled                

d) sadness

Q.No.29 Exercise-3 Answers

a) impossible                

b) farmer            

c) envelope          

d) containing


Q.no.30 answers

Complete the words with the correct Prefixes and Suffixes given in the brackets.

a)   sorrowful

b)   movement

c)    expression

d)   sadness

e)    amiable

f)     impossible

g)    uneducated


Q.no.31 answers

Find the wrongly spelt word and write the correct spelling

      Wrong        Correct Spelling 

a.   Truely        -truly

b.   Crast         -crest

c.    consence    -conscience

d.   pesas         -pesos

e.    crouk         -crook


Q.no.32 answers

Dictionary Entry

a) noun

b) two


Q.no.33 answers


Will only be given in unit-2, 4 & 6 materials

Q.no.34 answers

Match the following






1.   Harvest


A)   the Mexican currency

2.   Contentment 


B)   a small, hard ball of ice that falls from the sky like rain.

3.   Hail stones


C)   the picked crop

4.   Peso


D)   the currency of England



E)   stones that fall from the sky



F)   the state of being happy and satisfied.




Creative Expression Answers

Q.no.33 (b) answers 

Diary Entry


15st June, 20XX
9:30 P.M.

Dear Diary,

Today at work, something really funny happened. I work at the post office, and we get all sorts of letters. But today, we got one that made me laugh. It was from a guy named Lencho, and he wrote a letter to God!

In the letter, Lencho was upset because he only got seventy pesos out of the money he asked for. He said he really needed the rest but didn't want to receive it through the mail because he thought we were all crooks. Can anyone believe this?

Reading that made me smile. Is there anyone who writes a letter to God complaining about us? But it also made me wonder why Lencho felt that way. Was he really in trouble? Can’t he understand that God won’t send any money?

Anyway, I can't do anything about it. I just filed the letter away with the others. It's definitely a story I'll remember!


Q.no.35 (b) answers 

‘Description of the Tree Diagram’ 


The Given diagram is a Tree diagram. Tree diagrams are very useful tools because they can clearly and visually represent hierarchical structures. This tree diagram is about ‘Types of Letters’ and their classification.


Letters are broadly classified into two.  They are ‘Informal Letters’ and ‘Formal Letters’. Informal Letters are letters which are generally written to friends, family members and to our acquaintances.

Formal letters are again divided into two types. They are Official Letters and Business Letters. The first category is ‘Official Letters’ and they are generally written to officials.  Letters to offices, letters to higher authorities, letters of Resignation etc come under this category. 

The second category is ‘Business Letters’ and these letters are used for business correspondence. Letters to clients, letters to companies, letters to make orders, letters to make sales etc come under this category.


This tree diagram gives us a clear picture to understand the types of letters written. It also explains the different types of letters and how they can be used in different situations. This diagram is really simple to remember the kinds of letters available in real-life usage.

***End of Exam Material Answers

Unit-1 ‘A Letter to God***

Video Lessons of 'A Letter to God'

à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ో à°µివరణ 

A Letter to God Lesson Explanation Video Part-1

à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ుà°²ో à°µివరణ 

A Letter to God Lesson Explanation Video Part-2

A Letter to God Lesson Summary Video
