7 Unit-3 Gopal and Hilsa Fish

7th English 


Gopal and Hilsa Fish
The Shed (poem)

1.  Glossary of ‘Gopal and the Hilsa-fish’



Word / phrase

Meaning in English


Comic book (n)

A book containing comic stories


Fishmonger (n)

a person or shop that sells fish for food.


Downcast eyes (phr)

Feeling sad and without hope


Majesty (n)

Royal power


Challenge (v)

Invite someone to engage in a contest


Courtier (n)

a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen.


Smear (v)

to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface


Disgraceful (adj)



Rags (n)

Pieces of torn cloth





Mystic (adj)

Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding.


Huge (adj)

Very big


Mad (adj)

Mentally ill


Ridiculous fashion (n)

Funny style


A soul (n)

A man (in this context)

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 (ref. pg.no.42)

Answer the following questions.

1.   Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa-fish?

Since everyone in court was talking about the hilsa-fish, the king got irritated and wanted no more talk about the hilsa-fish.

2.   What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever?

The king asked Gopal to buy a huge hilsa-fish and bring it to the palace without anyone asking him a word about it to prove that he was clever.

3.   What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy his hilsa-fish?

The three things are:

a)    He half-shaved his beard.

b)    He smeared his face with ash.

c)    He wore dirty clothes.

4.   How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he had bought the fish?

Gopal began to dance and sing loudly like a mad man. Everyone thought that he was crazy and wanted him to put before the king. Thus, Gopal got inside the palace to see the king.

5.   Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about the hilsa-fish which Gopal had bought.

Gopal dressed and appeared to everyone in an odd manner. People took him crazy and mad. So, their concentration was diverted on his appearance than on the hilsa-fish.

6.   Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following sentences.

i)     The king lost his temper easily. (true)

ii)   Gopal was a madman. (False)

iii) Gopal was a clever man.  (True)

iv)  Gopal was too poor to afford decent clothes. (False)

v)    The king got angry when he was shown to be wrong. (False)

(ref. pg.no.42 & 43)

1.   Change the following sentences in the story to reported speech. The first one has been done for you.

i)     How much did you pay for that hilsa?

Ans: The woman asked the man how much he had paid for that hilsa.

ii)   Why is your face half-shaven?

Ans: Gopal’s wife asked him why his face was half-shaven.

iii) I accept the challenge, Your Majesty.

Ans: Gopal told the king that he accepted the challenge.

iv)  I want to see the king.

Ans: Gopal told the guards that he wanted to see the king.

v)    Bring the man to me at once.

Ans: The king ordered the guard to bring the man to him at once.

2.   Find out the meaning of the following words by looking them up in the dictionary. Then use them in sentences of your own.

Note: See the above glossary part for the meanings

My Own Sentences

1.   The king challenged Gopal to bring a hilsa-fish.

2.   Gopal behaved like a mystic person.

3.   Gopal’s dress was comical.

4.   Tenali Ramakrishna was a courtier in Srikrishnadevaray’s palace.

5.   During the Holi festival, people smear colours on one another.


Picture Reading:

1.   Look at the picture and read the text aloud (DO IT YOURSELF)

(ref. pg.no.46 )

2.   Now ask your partner questions about each picture:

i)     Where is the stag?

The stag is near a pond.


ii)    What is he doing?

He is drinking water.


iii)  Does he like his antlers (horns)?

Yes, he likes his antlers.


iv)   Does he like his legs?

No, he does not like his legs.


v)    Why is the stag running?

The hunters are chasing him.


vi)   Is he able to hide in the bushes?

No, he is unable to hide in the bushes.


3.   Now rewrite the story in your own words. Give it a title.

A Stag and Its Horns

          Long ago, there was a proud stag with beautiful antlers (/horns). One day, the stag went by the side of a pond.

          Suddenly, it saw the image of its horns and legs in the pond and felt proud of having beautiful horns. But it hated its thin and ugly legs.

          After a while, the stag noticed that some hunters were after it. Immediately, it rushed to hide under the bushy branches. Unfortunately, the horns stopped the stag from hiding and the hunters were approaching fast. To save the life, the stag ran using all the strength of its legs.


     Finally, the stag could realize that the beautiful horns could have caused death and it was ashamed of its legs which saved its life from the hunters.


Moral: ‘Everything has its Own Value’


                ‘Never underestimate anything’


4.   Complete the following word ladder with the help of the clues given below.


1.   Mother will be very cross if you don’t go to school.

2.   As soon as he caught sight of the teacher, Mohan started writing.

3.   How do you like my tiny kitchen garden? Big enough for you, is it?

4.   My youngest sister is now a year old.

5.   Standing on the roof, he saw children playing on the road.

6.   Don’t make such a fuss. Nothing will happen.

7.   Don’t cross the street till the green light comes on. 

The Shed(poem)


1.   Answer the following questions :


i)     Who is the speaker in the poem?

Here, the poet is the speaker. (May be a boy)


ii)   Is she/he afraid or curious, or both?

He is both afraid and curious as he wants to step into the shed.


iii) What is she/he planning to do soon?

The poet is planning to go into that shed one day soon.


iv)  “But not just yet…..” suggests doubt, fear, hesitation, laziness or something else. Choose the word which seems right to you. Tell others why you chose it.

The poet had fear and doubt about something in the shed because his brother told him that there was a ghost inside the shed.

2.   Is there a room in your house or a house in your neighbourhood/locality where you would rather not go alone, and never at night? If there is such a place and a story to go with it, let others hear all about it.


     On my way to school, I find a lonely house in which no one lives. When I pass by the house, I feel like moving faster due to fear.

     There is a gossip that the house is a dwelling of blood-sucking ghosts.  It is also a place of many bats and cobwebs.

     Many years ago, a family lived there and they all died in a road accident. Since then, none has come to claim it.  It is believed that all the family members still live there as ghosts as we all hear different sounds at night.

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==== END OF UNIT_3====
