Grammar - Parts of Speech


1. Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are like building blocks in English. They help us organize and understand words. There are NINE types:

1.       Nouns: Words for people, places, things, or ideas.
2.       Pronouns: Words that take the place of nouns to avoid repetition.
3.       Verbs: Words that show actions or states of being.
4.       Adjectives: Words that describe or give more information about nouns.
5.       Adverbs: Words that describe how, when, or where an action happens.
6.       Prepositions: Words that show relationships between other words.
7.       Conjunctions: Words that connect words, phrases, or sentences.
8.       Interjections: Words that express strong feelings.
9.       Articles And Determines: They specify or clarify the Noun.
 Knowing these parts helps us create sentences that make sense and communicate clearly in English.
