8 Unit-2 The Tsunami

 8th English 


The Tsunami
Geography Lesson (poem)

This page gives information on 
  1. Three explanatory video lessons on 'The Tsunami'
    • part-1 Video Lesson
    • Part-2 Video Lesson
    • Part-3 Video Lesson
  2. Summary of the Lesson (can be downloaded)
  3. Complete Teaching Notes on this UNIT
    • Glossary
    • Working with the text
    • Working with the language
    • Speaking and Writing
    • Working with the poem
  4. Download Links of the above are at the BOTTOM
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Glossary of ‘The Tsunami’

(turn the phone HORIZONTAL for a better view)

Sl No


& Part of Speech



Archipelago (n)


A group of many islands and the surrounding sea


Rushed out (phr. V.)

Went out


Tremor (n)


A slight shake



Chaos (n)


Complete disorder and confusion



Sweep away /swept away (phr. V.)

to destroy or to completely remove 



Rescue (v)


Save the life of someone


Daze(n) /deɪz/

In a confused state


Recede (v) /rɪˈsiːd/

To move back gradually away


Cling (v) /klɪŋ/

to hold on tightly to somebody/something


Uproot (v)


to pull a tree or plant out of the ground


Faint (v)/



Becoming weak and tired and likely to become unconscious


Traumatize (v)


Greatly shocked and distressed


Deadly  (adj)

Causing death


Trigger (v)



To make something happen



To become larger


To foam (v)



To form foam


Fly out / flew out

To leave for somewhere by aero plane


Whirlpool (n)


a strong movement in a river or stream that

 makes the water move around and pulls things under


Scream (v)



To make a loud high cry because you are hurt, frightened or excited


Hysterical (adj)



Behaving in an uncontrolled way because you are extremely excited, afraid, or upset


Refuge (n)



A place where you go to protect yourself from something dangerous or threatening



Surge (n)





Forewarn (v)


To warn someone about a problem or dangerous situation that is likely to happen


Tale (n)




Slam into

to crash into something with a lot of force


Flee /Fled (v)

run away from a place or situation of danger




Flamingoes are a type of wading birds




attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.


Sixth sense (n)

a power of perception like but not one of the five senses


Possess (v)


To own


Acute hearing


Keen/sharp hearing




 a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.


Realise (v)


Understand / grasp




Not harmed


Perish (v)


die, especially in a violent or sudden way.


Carcass (n)


The dead body of an animal


The Tsunami

Summary of Part-1

          Par-1 of the lesson ‘The Tsunami’ gives the details about the lives of four families in ‘Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago’ during the hit of Tsunami waves on 26th December, 2004.


Ignesious’s family:

                  Ignesious was a manager of a cooperative society in Katchall island. At 6 a.m. his wife felt an earthquake. All of the family members rushed out.

              When the tremors stopped, they saw the sea rising. In that confusion (chaos) , they did not decide the course of action. Immediately the sea waves hit them.  The family members rushed in two directions.

              Ignesious lost his wife, two children, his father-in-law, his brother-in-law. Only three children who came with him were saved.


Sanjeev’s family:

                     Sanjeev, a policeman from Katchall island somehow managed to save himself and his wife and baby daughter from Tsunami waves. 

              Later Sanjeev went to save the life of the guest house cook’s wife, who cried for help and was washed away by the waves.  Both of them did not survive.


Meghna’s family:

                        Meghna, a 13-year-old girl, was swept away along with her parents and 77 other people by the sea waves. She spent two days floating on the sea, holding on to a wooden door.  The rescue helicopters eleven times passed overhead but they did not see her. Fortunately, she was brought to the shore by a wave and she was very unfortunate to miss her parents.

Almas Javed’s family:

Almas Javed, a ten-year-old girl student from ‘Port Blair’ (the capital of Andaman and Nicobar islands), came with her parents to celebrate Christmas at ‘Noncowry Island’.

          When tremors came in the early morning, Almas’s father saw the seawater go back (recede) and he guessed that the seawater would come back to the shore with great force. He woke everyone and directed everyone to the safer places.

       As they were running to the safer places, something hit on the head of Almas’s grandfather, and fell down.  As her father was trying to save (rescue)  him, both of them were swept by the waves.

       Almas’s mother and aunt stood holding (clinging) to the leaves of a coconut tree.  Immediately, a wave uprooted the tree and they too were washed away.

       Almas climbed onto a floating wood and she fainted. Finally, she found herself in a hospital. She was completely in shock (trauma). She lost everyone in her family.



The Tsunami

Summary of Part-2

          Par-2 of the lesson ‘The Tsunami’ gives the details about how a young British school girl - ‘Tilly Smith’ - aged 10 years has saved many people when the tsunami has struck Phuket beach in Thailand on 26th December, 2004.

              Tilly Smith, a ten-year-old British school girl, went to celebrate Christmas at a beach resort in Thailand along with her father Collin Smith, mother Penny smith and seven year old younger sister.

              While they were on the beach resort on 26th of December, 2004, Tilly observed the sea water rising and coming to the shore. Tilly could sense that something was wrong with the sea. She immediately recollected the geography lesson by her teacher in England.

              She observed the rising sea with foam and whirlpools. She remembered that she had seen this in class in a video of tsunami that had hit the Hawaiian island in 1946. Her geography teacher had told them that tsunami can be caused by earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides.

                     Tilly became nervous and warned her mother Penny Smith about the rising sea. Her mother did not know what tsunami was but she could understand that there was a danger on the seashore.

              Tilly’s parents took her and her sister away from the beach to the hotel and the other tourists also left the beach with them.  All of them went to the third floor of the hotel.  Three times the tsunami waves hit the hotel but the building could withstand the force. 

              The Smiths later met other tourists who had lost their entire families.  Many thanked Tilly and her geography lesson for saving their lives. Tilly went back to England and told her classmates this terrific experience in Thailand.



The Tsunami

Summary of Part-3

                     part-3 deals with how the animals survived during the tsunami.  How could they foresee the tsunami? Do they have a sixth sense? What happened on the Cuddalore coast of Tamil Nādu? How did the animals of Yala National Park in Srilankan beach run away during the time of the tsunami? How did the pet dog save the life of his master?  These are the questions that are clarified in part-3 of ‘The Tsunami’.

                        Many people died but very few animals were killed in the tsunami. Firstly, it was believed that animals had a sixth sense to foresee the coming disaster and could run away to safer places. Secondly, they could feel the tremors of the earth before human beings. Along India’s Cuddalore coast (in Tamil Nādu), where thousands of people died but the animals rescued themselves. Sixty visitors and two water buffaloes died in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka. The dogs in Galle (a city in Sri Lanka) did not like to go for their daily run on the beach thus his master was saved.

Part-1 ‘The Tsunami’

Comprehension Check (pg.no.27)

1.   Ignesious lost his wife, two children, his father-in-law, and his brother-in-law in the tsunami.   [True]

2.   Sanjeev made it to safety after the tsunami.  ]False]

3.   Meghna was saved by a relief helicopter.  [False]

4.   Almas’s father realised that a tsunami was going to hit the island. [True]

5.   Her mother and aunts were washed away with the tree that they were holding on to. [True]

Part-2 ‘The Tsunami’

Comprehension Check (pg.no.28)

1.  Why did Tilly’s family come to Thailand?
Tilly’s family came to Thailand to celebrate Christmas at a beach resort.
2.  What were the warning signs that both Tilly and her mother saw?
They saw the water swelling and kept coming in. They also saw the rising sea and started to foam, bubble, and form whirlpools.
3.  Do you think Tilly’s mother was alarmed by them?
No, Tilly’s mother was not alarmed by them.
4.  Where had Tilly seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion?
Tilly had seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion in a video shown by her geography teacher in the classroom.
5.  Where did the Smith family and the others on the beach go to escape from the tsunami?
The Smith’s family and the others on the beach went to the third floor of the hotel to escape from tsunami.
6.  How do you think her geography teacher felt when he heard about what Tilly had done in Phuket?
The geography teacher would definitely feel happy and proud.
Part-3 ‘The Tsunami’
Comprehension Check (pg.no.30)
1.  In the Tsunami 150,000 people died. How many animals died?
Only a few animals died in the tsunami.
2.  How many people and animals died in Yala National Park?
Sixty visitors and two water buffaloes died in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka.

3.  What did people say about the elephants of Yala National Park?
People said that the elephants had run from the beach an hour before the Tsunami hit the coast.

4.  What did the dogs in Galle do?
The dogs in Galle (a city in Sri Lanka) did not like to go for their daily run on the beach.

Working with the text (pg.no.30)

Discuss the following questions in class. Then write your own answers.

1.    When he felt the earthquake, do you think Ignesious immediately worried about a Tsunami? Give reasons for your answer. Which sentence in the text tells you that the Ignesious family did not have any time to discuss and plan their course of action after the tsunami struck?

No, Ignesious did not think about the tsunami. He thought that it was just an earthquake. So, he took the television off the table and put it on the ground. The following sentence tell that Ignesious family did not have any time to discuss and plan their course of action to escape tsunami.

‘In the chaos and confusion, two of his children caught hold of the hands of their mother’s father and mother’s brother, and rushed in the opposite direction.’

2.  Which words in the list below describe Sanjeev, in your opinion? (Look up the dictionary for words that you are not sure of.)

cheerful     ambitious           brash        brave         careless

heroic        selfless             heartless    humorous




i)    I don’t know if Sanjeev was cheerful, ambitious or brash.

ii)   I think that he was very brave, heroic and selfless.

iii)  Sanjeev was not heartless, careless or humorous.


1.  How are Meghna and Almas’s stories similar?

Both Meghna and Almas Javed were washed away by the waves of tsunami. No one was there for their rescue. Finally, they could survive by themselves by climbing onto some floating wooden materials. Both of them reached the shore in a daze (in a state of confusion).  Both were lucky enough to save their lives from the dreadful tsunami.

2.  What are the different ways in which Tilly’s parents could have reacted to her behaviour? What would you have done if you were in their place?

Tilly had imagined the danger of the behavior of sea waves.  She started to scream at her family to get off the beach. On seeing Tilly’s behaviour, her parents sensed something serious was going to happen.  They alerted everyone on the shore and left the place for refuge.


If I were in the same place, I would definitely do the same as the parents of Tilly.


3.  If Tilly’s award was to be shared, who do you think she should share it with— her parents or her geography teacher?

If Tilly’s award was to be shared, it must be shared with Tilly’s parents and her geography teacher. Tilly’s parents deserve the share for understanding the seriousness of the girl’s words. If they had not taken her words seriously, they would not have saved the lives of the tourists on the seashore. It must also be shared with the geography teacher for visualizing the Tsunami, in the classroom, which made Tilly understand the behaviour of the seawater.


4.  What are the two different ideas about why so few animals were killed in the tsunami? Which idea do you find more believable?

Many people died but very few animals were killed in the tsunami. Firstly, it was believed that animals had a sixth sense to foresee the coming disaster and could run away to safer places. Secondly, they could feel the tremors of the earth before human beings. I find the second idea is more believable than the first one because the animals have acute senses.

Working with Language (Page 31)

1.  Go through Part-I carefully, and make a list of as many words as you can find that indicate movement of different kinds. (There is one word that occurs repeatedly-count how many times!). Put them into three categories.
fast movement slow movement neither slow nor fast.

Fast movement

Slow movement

Neither fast nor slow


Rushed out

Swept away

Washed away

Running away



Slowly rise






Can you explain why there are many words in one column and not in the others?

There are many words related to fast movement in this lesson since the tsunami is a force that smashes and crushes everything on its way ruthlessly.

2.  Fill in the blanks in the sentences below (the verbs given in brackets will give you a clue).


        I.  The earth trembled, but not many people felt the trembling  (tremble).

      II.  When the zoo was flooded, there was a lot of confusion and many animals escaped into the countryside. (confuse)

   III.   We heard with relief that the lion had been recaptured. (relieve)

     IV.   The zookeeper was stuck in a tree and his rescue was filmed by the TV crew. (rescue)

       V.   There was much excitement in the village when the snake charmer came visiting. (excite)


3.  Say whether the following sentences are in the Active or the Passive voice. Write A or P after each sentence as shown in the first sentence.


    I.        Someone stole my bicycle.  

Ans: A

   II.        The tyres were deflated by the traffic police.  

Ans: P

 III.        I found it last night in a ditch near my house.          

Ans: A

 IV.        It had been thrown there.    

Ans: P

   V.       My father gave it to the mechanic.        

Ans: A

 VI.        The mechanic repaired it for me. 

Ans: A


Speaking and Writing (Page No.32)

1.  Suppose you are one of the volunteers who went to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the tsunami. You work in the relief camps, distributing food, water and medicine among the victims. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds to bring about some semblance of normalcy in their lives. You admire their grit and determination. Write a diary entry.

You may start in this way.



31 Decembeg, 2004,


       The killer tsunami struck the Andaman and Nicobar Islands five days ago. But the victims are being brought in even now. Each one has a different story of survival. I have been there to volunteer for the victims of the tsunami.  Many people have lost their kith and kin and some have become homeless.

       The people who luckily have survived have shown a lot of courage to save the men at the nearest. All the victims have been struggling to bring everything to a normal state amidst the chaos. We have supplied medicines, necessary food, and drinking water to the victims. I have found many in the trauma of the deadly might. Everyone said that they hadn’t seen this kind of disaster in their lifetime.

       This is the most unpleasant experience for me to see the victims in that state of uncertainty.


2.  The story shows how a little girl saved the lives of many tourists when a tsunami struck the beach, thanks to the geography lesson that she had learnt at school. She remembered the visuals of a tsunami and warned her parents.

Do you remember any incident when something that you learnt in the classroom helped you in some way outside the classroom? Write your experiences in a paragraph of about 90–100 words or narrate it to the whole class like an anecdote.


A narration of my Personal Life experience

Hi, my dear friends! Now I am here before you to share my real-life experience with all of you.

       One day, my father came home very late from his workplace. We were all waiting for his arrival to start our supper at 8 p.m.  Surprisingly, my father was very much tired and not interested to join us for the meal.  I approached him and asked what had happened. He said that his leg was paining.  I looked at his foot which was abnormal in its size. 

       Suddenly, he had fallen unconscious. Then I could understand that something had bitten him on his feet. Undoubtedly it was a snakebite since his foot turned blue.

       Then I recollected the lesson from my science teacher about rescuing a person from a snake bite. I took the help of my mother, washed the foot with soap and lukewarm water, and cut the area of the snake bite.  I sucked the blood forcefully with my mouth and spit it.  Repeatedly, I did it.  After that, we took my father to a nearby hospital.  The doctor had injected an antivenom that made my father awake.

       The doctor appreciated my timely response in giving the first aid which helped my father’s existence.




About the Poet

       The poem ‘Geography Lesson’ was written by Zulfikar Ghose. He was born in India before independence. He was a Pakistani American author of novels, poetry, and criticism about cultural alienation. He died on 30 June 2022 (at the age of 87). 

       In 1969, Ghose emigrated (from Pakistan) to the United States to begin teaching at UT Austin and has been with the English Department and published almost two dozen books. His poetry was published in magazines and journals such as ‘The Atlantic Monthly’, ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The New Statesman’.


Gist of the Poem

When we go (spring) into the sky by a jet and look down, even a mile-long spread city appears like an inch. Everything on the ground is unplanned and without any style.

When the jet reaches ten thousand feet, it is very clear, from there, that the people have started to live by the valleys and rivers because the water has attracted the man.

When the jet has risen six miles (9.6 kms) high, it is very clear that the Earth is round and has more sea than land. The poet expresses that it is not clear, from that height, why people hate each other, build walls across cities and kill.

Moral of the Poem

The poet feels that the man is such an intellectual to find the natural resources (land and water) that fetch him and make his life comfortable but he is not able to live with his fellow being in harmony. He also expresses his agony for this and indirectly suggests us develop brotherhood to make the earth beautiful as it is seen from the farthest height.


Working with the Poem (pg.no.35)

1.  Find three or four phrases in stanzas one and two which are likely to occur in a geography lesson.

Ans :

The following are the possible phrases we see in our Geography lesson in Social Studies

a.  Scaled six inches to the mile
b.  Ground had looked haphazard and unplanned
c.   Valleys were populated
d.  The land and water attracted man

Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears

(i)     as haphazard as on the ground.

(ii)   as neat as a map.

(iii)  as developed as necessary.

Ans : (i) as haphazard as on the ground

3.  Which of the following statements are examples of “the logic of geography”?

(i)     There are cities where there are rivers.

(ii)   Cities appear as they are not from six miles above the ground.

(iii)  It is easy to understand why valleys are populated.

(iv)   It is difficult to understand why humans hate and kill one another.

(v)    The earth is round, and it has more sea than land.

Ans :     (i), (iii) & (v)

4. Mention two things that are

(i)     clear from the height.

(ii)   not clear from the height.

Ans : (i) It was clear from the height that the Earth was round and it had more sea than land.

(ii) It was not clear from that height why the men on the Earth found causes to hate each other, to build walls across cities and to kill. 

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****  End of Unit-2 Notes ****

Unit_2 : 
'The Tsunami'  (Part_1 Video Lesson)

Unit_2 : 
'The Tsunami'  (Part_2 Video Lesson)


Unit_2 : 
'The Tsunami'  (Part_3 Video Lesson)


The Tsunami Part_1 Summary


The Tsunami Part_2 Summary

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