Lucida Handwriting


Lucida Handwriting Series

Learn Lucida Handwriting in the given following order


Let's Begin LEARNING


1. A four ruled book

2. A gel pen

3. Put your book in 30-35 degrees angle

4. A solid base to your book


There are 8-fundamental strokes (graphs) that change the style of your writing. This lesson teaches us to make us understand those 8-strokes which give a comprehensive idea to write the alphabet in the three zones. 

Lucida Handwriting: Practising Basic Strokes


This lesson makes you understand how to write Lucida's CAPITAL letters beautifully.  It also deals with the basic strokes necessary to beautify the letters of the English alphabet.

Lucida Handwriting:  Writing Capital Letters using Strokes


This lesson makes us understand how to write Lucida's CAPITAL letters beautifully.
Lucida Handwriting:  Writing Capital Letters without Strokes


This lesson gives the basic idea of writing the 'Lucida small letters' in three zones, upper zone, middle zone and lower zone.  Practice alphabet zone-wise. 

14-middle zone letters     
(a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z)
6-upper zone letters       
(b, d, h, k, l, t)
5-lower zone letters         
(g, j, p, q, y)
1-three zone letter           


This lesson gives a comprehensive view to understanding Lucida's small and CAPITAL letters by writing them side-by-side. Practising both at a time gives the learner a shift of mind. This helps get gradual speed in writing. 
(Note: beginners should always concentrate on accuracy rather than speed)

Lucida Handwriting 
Writing small & CAPITAL letters


Writing words with small letters: This gives a nice practice of all three zones and understanding the size of the letters. (practice a page per day)



This is a practice session. It gives you an idea about writing the text in real-time situations. Here we need to apply all the previous knowledge of Lucida. Dear please do remember that speed never matters. See if your wiring is getting better day by day. (practice in four ruled books)

Lucida Handwriting Writing Proverbs-1


Now, it's the time to write a piece of continuous passage.  Here we need to apply all the previous knowledge of Lucida. Dear please do remember that speed never matters. See if your wiring is getting better day by day. 

Lucida Handwriting 
Colours and their Significance-1


This is a practice session. It gives you an idea about writing the text in real-time situations. Here we need to apply all the previous knowledge of Lucida. Dear please do remember that speed never matters. See if your wiring is getting better day by day. (practice in four ruled books)

Lucida Handwriting Writing Proverbs-2


This is a practice lesson. It gives you an idea of writing on a page with a clear presentation. 
Lucida Handwriting: Writing a Poem


Now, it's the time to write a piece of continuous passage.  Here we need to apply all the previous knowledge of Lucida. 

Lucida Handwriting: Writing about Animal Helpers


Now, it's the time to write a piece of continuous passage.  Here we need to apply all the previous knowledge of Lucida. 

Lucida Handwriting: Colours and their Significance-2


This is the most important video. This tells us which style of Handwriting to be learnt by the beginners. Watch completely and decide which suits you better. Parents and Teachers also can easily decide the type of handwriting that suits their children the best. 

Lucida Handwriting: How to Choose the Best Handwriting


This video gives you insight into making different types of Headings for your notebooks, charts, and projects etc., This also gives you tips using markers. 

Lucida Handwriting: Handwriting Style with MARKERS
